Cemetery in Kanlog – Shimla
The following text was also provided by them. Thanks a lot Tony and Jane.
Kanlog Cemetery is situated on the SE side of the town on a narrow, wooded, steeply sloping ridge. The cemetery is bisected by a new bypass road on which there is a small wooden house and some fruit stalls on a bend. It is difficult to envisage how one gained access to the cemetery originally as the upper part has to be accessed at this central point by scrambling up a steep bank, although access from the top is easier, but more difficult to find. A central path runs through the cemetery (both the upper and lower parts) with space for about 8 graves on each side. Graves close to the path can be identified, where a stone exists, but away from the path the area is heavily overgrown with small trees and thorns. There is a lot of litter, mainly bottles, which indicates that the area is used as a drinking haunt by the locals. You have to be careful where you stand off the path, as it is also used as a lavatory.
Upper Portion of the Cemetery
1 :Bugg (CWCG) 1917 Bugg W.A, 09 June 1917
2 :Schofield (CWCG) 1919 Schofield A.B. 23 Sept 1919
3 :Keneally (CWCG) 1920 Keneally W. 09 June 1920
4 :Channell (CWCG) 1920 Channell, S. 15 June 1920
5 :Harding (CWCG) 1921 Harding F.H. 05 July 1921
6 :Trenhelka 1920 Elizabeth, wife of M Trenhelka, Farms Dept. Died Simla 11.7.1920 aged 41 years
7 :Shakespeare 1920 Jane Shakespeare 1840-1920
8 :McCollum 1920 Eileen C McCollum 30 Nov 1920 also – Charles Anthony McCollum 29 Nov 1920.
9 :Allen 1918 James George Allen 22 Oct 1918 aged 46
10 :Brunyate 1908 Roger Brunyate 24 Dec 1908, born 19 Dec 1908
11 :Church 1908 Oliver Marryat Church, 27 Nov 1908 aged 19 months
12 :Ricketts 1923 Jane Ricketts ? December 1923
Kanlog Cemetery
1 :Eleanor Mary, wife of William Sinclair Maris. Born Oct 20 1880 Died Jun 12 1906
2 :Annie Florence w/o Charles Boyce MD of Maidstone, Kent 20 Nov 1854 Died 3 Jan 1908.
3 :Donald Patterson aged 14 days (no date)
4 :Rebecca Frances w/o Captain William Breakey, Ordnance Dept Born 2 Mar 1859 Died 19 Jun 1903
5 :Edmond Richard Purcell, Lieut 3rd Bn XII Regt Died27 May 1871 aged 20 years 7 months. Died of injuries from falling off his horse
6 :Lionel/[colonel?] Keith Young CB General? Died 18 May 1862.
7 :Cyril Cunningham Mitchell. PM Lodge Triloe Brotherhood, 2121 E.C.P.G.W.Punjab Died 9 Feb 1928.
8 :Blanche and Peter Mitchell, CIE, and their children, Nellie, Warren, Ernest, who died in Simla (no date)
9 :Juliet Augusta, d/o Charles John & Mary Ann French Born 23 Aug 1848 Died 19 Apr 1868.
10 :Fanny, w/o C C Bradbury Died 14 Sep 1872 aged 23 yrs 11 months
11 : Michael Burdett, child of Lt Col M Dawes and Louisa Born 16 Sept 1857 Died 17 Oct 1858.
12 :William Cotton (the rest illegible)
13 : George Clowsley Died 11 Jun 1878 aged 54
14 : Ellen Julia, w/o (illegible)
15 : Rowland Vyner Cockerell, Born 11 Dec 1843 Died Oct 9 1873
16 : Richard Watson, PAG Dir of GER. England PDDGMP Age 54 years Died 18 Mar 1937.
18 : Charles Vivian, 3rd son of William and Ella Baldwin Died 13 Apr 1886 aged 2 years and 12 days.
19 : Charles Finnimore, infant son of Robert & Ann Buckley, Born Jan 29th Died Aug 27th 1885
20 : Children of William & Hannah Reed Paul Born 14 Sept 1883 Died 18th Oct 1884. Esther Born 18 Oct 1866 Died Jun 1886.
21 : W/o Graham Hatch Died at Simla on 9 July 1801
22 : Claude Ampill, Died 1897, only s/o Gerald and Ada Morton.
23 : Christina, w/o Alexander Macaulay Markham, Bengal C.S. Died Oct 5 1896 in 59th year.

Graves in the Cemetery in Kanlog – Shimla
Lower Portion of Shimla bypass Road
Right Hand-side
Terrace 01
- Died: May 16th, 1903.
2. Fanny Louisa the dearly loved wife of W.H. Jenn.
- Born: March 1st, 1870
- Died: April 14th, 1903.
“Nearer my God to thee”.
- In loving memory of ERNEST BENNETT SINCLAIR
- BORN: 21 DECEMBER 1888
Terrace 02
- Died: 24th July 1907, age 2 days
- Francis Henry Cyril Marshall.
- Aged: 6 months
- In memory of Thomas William Robinson
- Died: 3rd October 1909 aged 1month 21 days.
- In memory of Mrinal Kumar. Infant son of A.L & H. K . Misra
- Born: Feb 21. 1907
Died: Aug. 01. 1907
- Lottie dearly beloved wife of George Sizeland Cutts
- Age: 30 born 19th May 1875
- Died: 24th June 1905
“I only yield thee what is time thy will be done”.
- Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Carberry dearly loved wife of H.E Hemingway I.C.S.
- Born: May 24th, 1879
- Died: May 25th, 1905
“Sorrow not them also which sleep in Jesus. Will God bring with him”.
- Sacred to the cherished memory of Henrietta Cleveland widow of the late Christopher W. Stowell
- Born: 18th June 1884
- Fell Asleep: 12th April 1905
“Christ Hath been raised from the dead the firstfruits of them that are asleep”
- Widow of the late conductor W.L Browne who
- Fell asleep on the 19th of November 1904 aged 77 years.
“father in the Gracious keeping leave we now the servent sleeping”.
- In loving memory of our mother Marian Elizabeth Richards Stirling
- Born on: Jan 14th, 1835
- Died at Simla: July 3rd, 1905
I will never leave tree nor for Sake thee.
- Elizabeth Ann wife of W.D. Mills who
- Died at Simla: On the 1st September 1905 aged 25 year
- In loving memory of Sairah Charlotte wife of William Jones who
- Entered into on the 15th of September 1905. In her 63rd year.
“I’m not dead but gone to prepare a place for you”
“The cup was bitter, the sting severe to part with one we loved so dear.’ The trial so hard, we ‘all not complain but trust in Christ, to meet again.”
Terrace 03
- On August 10th 1905
- Age 54 years.
“Respected and loved by all who knew him Blest are the departed”.
- In loving memory of Alige Mabel daughter of S.S and Mrs. E.W Younc ordnance del
- Born: 25th June 1908
- Died: 23rd July 1908
And of her sister Beatrice Elsie who - Died: at JHANSI 8th August 1908 Age 1 year and 2 months
“There’s A Home for little children Above the bright blue sky”
- In loving memory of Garden Andrew Duff 2nd Lieut. Indian Army Who entered into life through the gate of death
- Emma Charlotte Louisa widow of Thomas wood
- Born: 23rd June 1833.
- Died: 18th January 1907.
“At Rest.”
- In Sacred Memory of Austin George Sheen
- Born 21st November 1842.
- Died 31st March 1907.
“At Rest”.
- In loving memory of Oliver Marryat the dear son of Major and Mrs. C.R Church
- Died at Simla: 27th November 1908 aged 19 months.
- In loving memory of Roger Brunyate
- Born 19th December 1908
- Died 24th December 1908.
” Planted in the house of the Lord.”
- In memory of Ellen Harry Man
- Born: At Brixton London
- Died at Simla July 28th, 1908.
- In loving memory of our dear mother Marry Durham widow of the late Capt.W. Durham.
- Died: 26 August 1906. Aged 64 years 10 months.
“Thou wilt keep her in perfect place. Whose mind is stayed on thee. Elected by her sorrowing child Ben”.
Terrace 04
- In loving memory of our dear Mother Marianne Thomson who
- Died on February 7th, 1908 aged 48 years.
“Thy will be done”.
- In loving memory of Charles Clifford
- Died: June 1877.
Erected by his sorrowing widow and a wide circle of Simla friends. “Father in thy gracious keeping leave we now thy servant sleeping”.
- In the loving memory of Gladys Mary Daughter of the Late Henry Butt Roan & Alice Roan of Rose Hill House Worcester England
- Who passed from this life: July 11th, 1908 aged 26 years.
- In loving memory of Eliza Frances Anderson
- Born: 6th January 1858.
- Died: 28 April 1907.
Daughter of Willoughby Woodward Indian civil service.
- Died at Simla: May 21st, 1908.
- Sacred yo the memory of Olivia Sylvester Relict of Major William Wilson who
- Died at Simla: on the 22nd April 1909 in her 77th year.
30. In loving memory of Clothilde Marie Schofield
- Born: 3rd September 1854.
- Died: 13th August 1908.
And with Morn those Angel Faces Simla. Which I have loved since lost a while.”
- Sacred to the Memory of Frank Stevenson of the Civil & Military Gazette -Lahore.
- Died: at Simla October 7th, 1908 aged 48.
This stone was erected by his Colleagues and Friends in affectionate remembrance of the thoughts of heart – They are the wealth of a man.
- In loving memory of Erskine Alfred Atkin Cooper
- Born: Dalhousie 5th October 1872.
And of his sister Harnah Mary Anne June the beloved wife of Frederick Rtgketts.
- Born on 27th July 1853,
- Died Simla 8th November 1923.
Terrace 05
- Born: 29th July 1871.
- Died: 24th April 1906.
“Thy will be done”.
- Also in memory of Mary Ellen Bird.
- Born: 21st December 1871.
- Died: 30th June 1911.
- Christopher Clinton.
- Died: at Simla 1st June 1905.
- In loving memory of Julia Kathleen Bancroft.
- Born: 9th April 1853.
- Died: 12th June 1905.
We loved her (oh) No one can tell. How deeply dearly and how well, God loved her better and thought best.
- In loving memory of Bertie Cecil the beloved son of Conductor and Mrs. F.W Kaye Ordnance department.
- Born: 15th January 1900.
- And was Accidentally killed by a fall of snow: 19th February 1907.
Also in Sacred memory of his mother Bridget Agnes Kye.
- Died: 18th April 1926. Aged 65 years.
Terrace 06
- Died: on February 9th, 1872. Aged 23 years 11 months and 5 days.
” in thy presence is fullness of Joy”.
- Sacred to the Memory of William John Haverty of Army Head Quarters camp who
- Died at Simla on the 27th DEC. 1871. Aged 31 years and 5months.
This stone is erected by his friends.
- In Memory of little Sophie daughter of H.C. & C.I.Pyle
- Born: 18th April 1870
- Died: 17th DEC 1871.
Not dead but sleepeth.
- In Memory of Eleanor the Beloved wife of Captain O’Neill 20th Foot Who
- Died: at Simla on the 8th June 1871 aged 22 years.
- In loving memory of Arthur Elliott Son of Major O’Neill 20th REC
- Born: 10th June 1871.
- Died: 7th Nov. 1873.
- In Memory of Peter Innes Of the 14th REG B.N.I And the Bengal Staff Corps. Lifiit. Of in the Army.
44. Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Michael M Carthy.
- Died at Simla: on the 5th of November 1870. Aged 19 years.
“Thy will be Done”.
- Sacred to the Memory of Isabella Marsden.
- Died: 20th day of October 1870. Age 35 years.
Her infant daughter IDA. Who only survived her own Birth and her Parents. Death sin weeks rest Also with her mother.
Also the Memory of Alice Marsden. An infant daughter of the above.
- Died: August 1867 and lies Buried Near This Spot.
- Sacred also the Memory of John Jacob Louic the beloved son of Emily Sophia and the late William Hall Hoff.
- Born: 22nd February 1866.
- Died: 1st August 1878.
The load ga e and the Lord hath taken away blessed the name if the Lord.
- Sacred Memory of Catherine Relict of the late captain T. William son of Malacca.
- Died: 10th August 1878. Aged 73 years 6 months 10 days.
Father thy gracious hand we own, And bow submissive to the word. That must be wise which thou hast done in, it must be kind for thou art God.
- Sacred to Affectionate remembrance of Maria Caroline the beloved wife of Mr. John Phelps.
Died: at Simla August 14th, 1870 aged 29 years
Gone to be with Christ which is far better.
Also,, her infant daughter Minnie
- Died: at Kassowlie April 4th, 1870 aged 13 months.
- Sacred to the Memory of Catherine Sophia daughter of R. Cloete ESQR of the Cape of good hope.
Wife of G.H.M Batten ESQR of Hr. Ms. Bengal civil service.
- Born 23rd January 1831
- Married: 11th Oct. 1854
- Died: 5th August 1870.
“Come unto me all YE that labor and Heavy Laden and I will give you rest.”
- Sacred to the Memory of William Hall Hoff eldest son of J.J.L Hoff. Aged 44 years;
- Born: on the 9th March 1826.
- Died: on the 30th of June 1870.
This monument is erected by his dear and affectionate widow.
“I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he will raise me up at the last day”.
‘I come, I come at thy command I yield my spirit to thy hand. To those I leave Lord comfort send. And to friendless prove a friend.
- In loving memory of Emily Sophia Hoff widow of the late William Hall Hoff.
- Born: 17th July 1828.
- Died: 12th February 1899.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
- Sacred to the Memory of Marianne Therese the beloved wife of Major General Frank Turner C.B.
- Died: on the 25th of June 1869. Aged 35 Years.
- In memory of Ian Dalrymple Clark Aide de camp to Lord Napier of Magdala
- Died: 14th June 1870.
Terrace 07
- Died: at Simla June 16th 1868.
- To the beloved memory of Catherine Frances wife of the REV. S. Slater.
- Who entered into the rest at God March 18th, 1869. Aged 35 years.
- This Stone Marks the Grave of Colin Frederick Campbell H.M 46th REG.
- Died: at Simla 14th September 1868 aged 44 years.
Erected by his numerous friends as a last token of their Sincere Regard.
- Sacred to the Memory of Ellen Gertrude the dearly loved wife of GED. W M de RHE. Philipe.
- Died: at Simla on the 9th April 1915. Aged 57 years and 19 days.
- Sacred to the Cherished Memory. Clara Sophia Warwick youngest daughter of the G. R Derhe Philipe ESQ Baron De RH. Of wood green Middlesex and Formerly of War grave, Berks, and the dearly
Sacred to the Memory of Maoor E.S. Kennet Dawson late of the 106th light infantry.
- Died: at Simla on the 10th of September 1868.
This tomb is erected by his brother officers as a mark of this respect and Esteem enter tatned by them for the deceased.
- To the Memory of Matilda Francis the dearly beloved wife of W.W. Ellowood.
- Died: 30th January 1869.
- In the loving memory of John Walsh.
- Died: at Simla 23rd Sept. 1866. Aged 66.
- In memory of Kathering Cooper Parsons wife of Frederick Peterson
- Died: 15th April 1867.
Terrace 08
- Elizabeth wife of Charles Arthur Roe. Bangal civil service.
- Born: February 17th 1848.
- Died: July 11th 1891. Aged 48 years.
- Sacred to the loved memory of George Leycester Indx Mars Hall.
- Born: at Saharanpur 4th April 1878.
- Died: at Simla 2nd July 1883
5year 3 months 20 days.
- The grave of SIR Alexander H.Lawrence Bart.
For so He Giveth his Beloved Sleep.
- Born: 6th September 1838.
- Died: 27th August 1864.
- Frederick Arthur son of J. Rumsby, Q. M.S. 52. And Ellen his wife.
- Born: Sept. 19, 1864.
- Died: May 4th, 1865.
- Sacred to the Memory of Gertrude Alice Jane Boileau. The beloved child of Edward & Annie Harrison.
- Died: at Simla 25th August 1864. Aged 9 months 12 days.
“Of such is the kingdom of God” Of
“Ere sin could bright or sorrow fade.
Death came with friendly care.
The opening Bud to Heaven conveyed
And hade it blossom there.
- In loving memory of Elizabeth Relict of James Goulding. And daughter of the late captain W. Raynor. V. C .
Died: 3rd August 1879. Aged 60 years.
Lord remember me. This monument is erected by her son as a last token of their affection.
- In loving memory of Mary Hellen wife of Colonel T. E. Gordon.
Sacred to the Memory of Amy Blanche the infant daughter of Major Charles. H. Byers. Bengal staff Corps. And Georgian Marian his wife
- Died: at Simla 10th October 1865. Aged 8 months & 26 days.
- Captain W. Loch. BO. S. O
- Born 18th January 1878.
- Died 21 St April 1879.
To the Memory of Jessie Maria the dearly loved child of CAPtn. and Mrs. E. N Perkins.
- Died: at Simla 29th Oct. 1863. Aged 9 years.
- Sacred the beloved & Lamented son of Arthur & Susanna Rammond of Sydenham kent.
- Died: at Simla Oct 23rd. 1863. Aged 22 years.
- Sacred to the Memory of Nora Frederica only child of Major & Mrs. Fred Roberts.
- Born: at Mean Meer 10 March 1860.
- Died: at Simla 3 March 1861.
Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them root for of such is the kingdom of God.
- George Robert Barker Colonel Royal Artillery
- Born: 9th February 1815.
- Died: 27. July 1861.
The darkness is part and the true light now shmeth
- To the Memory of Purnlli Bond of Wivelis Combe. Somerset: aged 24.
- Died: 8th August 1865.
- Also to the Memory of Eleleen Sautelle
- Born: at Clifton 18 July 1868.
- Died: at sea 8 February 1869
and of Frederick Henry
- Born: at Simla 27 July 1869.
- Died: 20th August 1869.
- The beloved wife of G.N Cheke ESQ RE B.M.S.
- Died: on July 20th 1861 aged 22 years
Not lost but Gone before.
Terrace 09
- On the Memory of Francis Thomas the dearly loved son of D.T. and A.S. Mills. Sincerely Regretted by all who knew him.
- Died: 20th February 1879, aged years & nine months.
A last tribute is bond remembrance of FRANCES. The dearly beloved wife of GEORGE Clowsley died 11th June 1878. Aged 54. Years. Gone but not lost.
Terrace 10
- In loving memory of Caroline. Wife of T.W. K. Patterson.
- Died: at Simla 16th July 1880 aged. 39 years.
Her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much.
- In loving memory of Clarence Henny Reginald infant son of Mr. And Mrs J.W.K. PATTERSON sleeps here of such is the kingdom of heaven.
- Born: 18th August 1873
- Died: 12th July 1874.
- Sacred to the Memory of CLARA the beloved wife of Colonel T. Wright b.s.c. entered into rest
- 8th April 1873.
The Lord is my light and my salvation” xxvii”.
- Sacred in memory of NEVILLE son of Colonel T. WRIGHT B.S.C.
- Born: 19th August 1871
- Died: 13th July 1873
- In the memory of RICHARD BARTON HILL.
LT.COLONEL. HIM. Bengal infantry
- Died at Simla 19th April 1873 aged 38 years.
- In loving memory of ALFRED HRRIS VAUX.
- Died: at Simla October 16 1878 aged 45 years.
Until the daybreak and the shadows flee away.
- Sacred the Memory of T. W. EGARYF. A.E. OF H.M.S. Indian medical service who departed the life on
- 22 March 1874 aged 35 years.
- Sacred in the memory of RUBERT DUFFIN.
- Born: 19th February.
- Died: Not Given
- Our little Kate sleeps here.
- Born: February 6th 1873.
- Died: 24th July 1876.
U.S and bliss.
- Sacred to the Memory of William James Holm Logan Holm of broom house N.B. LIEUTENANT ROYAL ENGINEERS
- Died: at Simla September 29th 1875 aged 28 years.
Until the day dawn.
- Sacred to the Memory of Thomas David Colyear.
- Died: at Simla on the 8th of August 1875. Aged 70 years and here awaits the surrounding of the last trumpet.
- In loving memory of Eliza H. Berkeley wife of H.N. LIONEL BERKELEY. Punjab
- Died: 10th November 1904 aged 6 years.
- In the memory of L. COLONEL HENRY SCOTT. VINCENT. Bengal Staff Corps born 5th November 1833.
- Died: 22nd August 1873.
94. In affectionate rememberable of Isabella Sophie the beloved wife of Mr. C. Grinter.
- Died: 21 St November.
- Sacred to the Memory of Allen Marry Holmes the dearly beloved wife of A.H. Pirie professor Canning College Lucknow
- Born: at Calcutta DEC 1st 1847
- Died: at Simla September 11th, 1876.
An infant daughter rest near her mother.
- In loving memory of FRANCES AMY DAUKES.
- Died: at Simla on the 20th July 1879 aged 25 years.
- In memory of BENJAMIN GERRARD PARSONS Major Bengal staff Corps.
Died: September 8th 1879 aged 40years.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Davis
- Born: 6th April 1872
- Died: 12th March 1875.
Weep not for me my parents dear.
- In the loving memory of Dr. JAMES Hannan. Brigadier Surgeon A.M. D.
Died: at Simla on June 12th 1880 aged 52 years.
- In the memory of Robert Guy Drayton infant son of Robert Harvey M.B.
- Born: 28th June 1876
- Died: 10th September 1876.
- In the memory of FRANCES CONSTANCE. The beloved wife of Charles Etapsell of the survey of India dept.
- Born: April 1844
- Died: 19th June 1876.
- In the loving Memory of HARRIET MADELINE only
- Born: at Trinchinopoly Madras 7th July 1839
- Died: at Syree near Simla 3rd April 1874.
- In the loving memory of Henry Bortlooke. The beloved child of Caanu and Emma Julia Moorhan.
- Died: May 26th 1873 2 years and 9 months.
- In the loving memory of Emily Constance infant child of Mr. And. Mrs. F.W. DE. monte.
- Died: 5th April 1875 aged 6 months.
Also Effie
- Born: 26 August 1887
- Died 18th April 1888.
- In loving memory of Ethel Sophie Solano who went home to Jesus on the
- Died: 1st June 1978 aged 3 years and 1 month.
- In the memory of Annie D. Sousa who departed this life on the
- Died: 30th July 1872.
107.Sacred to the Memory of John George D. Souza who departed this life on the
- Died: 7th November 1873 aged 12 years and 2 months
- In the memory of Thomas Login M.I.C.E R.R.S.E. Superintendent Engineer of the to nd circle Punjab.
- Born: April 21st 1823
- Died: at North in Bussahir June 5th 1874 aged 51 years.
- In the memory of Maria the beloved wife of M.KLEYSER
- Died: at Simla on the 7th may 1873.
“Das grabitsteefund stille, under chauhaft seinrand. ES Decky MIT scharzrr hulle EIN unrekandes land.”
- Sacred to the Memory of Sarah Hasictt
- Born: 6th January 1799
- Died: 2pth may 1875 aged 76 years.
- Sacred to the Memory of Isabella Monica wife of John Ambrose D’ Souza. RGE on General officers. Who Resigned her Spirit in the Humble hope of eternal salvation on the 23rd June 1874. Aged 50 years 6 Months & 25 days.
Sacred to the Memory of Jane Mary the beloved wife of Owena Daly. Who
- Died: at Simla on the 20th of March 1875. Aged 25 years.
- Sacred to the Memory of George Frederick Yelverton Swift. Who
- Died: at Simla on 25th July 1875. Aged 27. Years. 4 months and 6 days.
- Sacred to the Memory of Lottie Heron
- Born: 10th nov. 1854.
- Fell Asleep: 6th July 1876.
” for me to live is Christ and to die is Cain “.
Terrace 11
- In loving memory of Edward George Chanter
- Died: July 2, 1881. 6 months Edward
And Edward Chanter
- Died: June 27th, 1875, and 1 month.
“He shall gather the lambs with his Arm.
- Henry Buller sacred son of D. Fitzpatrick Bengal civil service
- Died: on the 3rd of November 1873. Aged 2 years and 2 months.
- In Memory of Patrick Ernest, the dearly loved and only son of William Marcos Dorothy Clarissa Mitchell
- Born: 16th Sept. 1875
- Died: 11th Sept. 1879
Terrace 12
- Departed this life: 1st Jan at Simla A. D. 1881. In her 31 year of.
- Alwin Edward LEM Sinkinson
- Born: October 30th of 1888 –
- Died: March 18th .1890.
Habemus AD Dominum.
Terrace 13
120 In loving Memory of Clara Maude daughter of K. And H. Murray,
- Born: 10th May 1868.
- Died: 15th April 1882.
Of such is the kingdom of heaven.
- Sacred in the memory of Cwlndoline Mabel the beloved wife of Alexander Huntly Cordon. Indian Police who departed this life on May 25th 1907.
Terrace 14
- Sacred to the Memory of Emma wife of Gorge Prussia
- Died: 1st Nov. 1887. Aged 45. Years faithful to the end.
- To the sacred memory of Charles John French
- Born 14th May 1814
- Died: 17th May 1885.
- Sacred to the Memory of Edward Newbery youngest son of the late Edward Newbery and personal assistant to the inspector general of police Punjab who
- Died at Simla on the 2nd June 1884 aged 42 years.
This monument is erected by his brother officer of the police force and many friends all of whom admired his worth and deplore his loss.
- In loving Memory of my mother
- Died October 1884
Erected by her son Walter and daughter in law Madhu Jetley.
- In loving memory of William Garey pink. Third son of the late Rey. J. O. Pink Baptist missionary and late registrar of the dept. Of finance commerce govt of India.
- Born: 18th February 1832.
- Died: 31st April 1888 aged 38 years 1month and one day
This monument is erected by most dear affectionate and best of the husband by his disconsolate widow silent grave to thee I trust this precious Pearl of worthly dust..keep this safe sacred tomb until his wife shell asks for a room.
- In the loving memory of Ellen Sophia the beloved wife of C.B. CARBERY Punjab education dept. Who departed this life 13th May 1888 living those memories who have lost a fond and faithful wife, a devoted mother, a loving sister aged 45 years.
To the everloving memory of Harriet Margret Latimer who
- Died: on 12th December 1883 aged 30.
This cross is erected by her husband. Even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight.
- Sacred to the Memory of my dearly loved husband general Edward Taunton who
- Died: after a short and painful illness on the 7th April 1884 aged 33 years and 27 days.
- In the loving memory of Esther Picotte
- Died: 19th February 1885 aged 64 years
Blessed are the dead which died in the Lord.
- Sacred to the Memory of Agnes Mahony
Died: July 25th 1884 aged 51 years.
Terrace 15
133 Lieutenant 9th lancers of Barlaston and Cotton Staffordshire.
- In loving memory of William Johnson
- Died: 19th August 1886 aged 77 years
“Blessed our dead who died in the Lord room”.
Also fond memory of William John Baldwin the beloved husband of Ella Amanda Johnson who
- Died 1st January 1903 aged 47 years.
I cannot say and I will not say that he is dead he is just away.
- Sacred to the Memory of William Gale who
- Died: at Simla on the 20th June 1886 aged 45 years 2 months.
- Sacred memory of Garce wife of D.R.WHITE accountant P.W.D. DIED 8TH APRIL 1886 AGED 35 YEARS 5 MONTHS.
“She looks well to the way of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness”
Terrace 16
- Isabella the beloved wife of B.E.Frenc
- Born 1st June 1857
- Died 8th February 1887.
- Mary wife of the T. JAMESON of Simla
- Died 19th December 1887 aged 41 years
Terrace 17
- Died 17th May 1895 aged 79 years
- In loving memory of Mary Annie Barsick who entered into her rest on
- Died: 8th August 1889 aged 57 years 11 months and 18 days.
Terrace 18
- Died: at Simla on the 2nd December 1889
“Believed on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved.”
- In the loving memory of John James Ross son of Alexander Ross of tin ester Ross
- Born: 1843
- Died: 1889
” not lost but gone “.
- Sacred to the Memory of Minnie (dot) Spire the dearly loved wife of Reginald Theodore Spire
- Born 9th November 1873 elected into rest
- Died: 1st February 1927.
“Christ died to save sinner she is not dead but sleeping until Jesus her saviour.
Terrace 19
144. Sacred to the Memory of George closely late sergeant R.A.
- Born: in Millington Storrington Sussex 12th August 1803
- Died: 23 March 1891.
- In loving memory of Mary Anne Hume for six-year faithfully and beloved wife Allan Octavian Hume
- Born May 26th 1821
- Died March 30th, 1890.
Terrace 20
- Died: at Simla 15th August 1883 aged 25 years.
“Thy will be done”.
- In loving memory of Annie Mary Violet the beloved and only daughter of Ann Burrrag
- Died 18th august 1881 aged 10 year and 22 days
- George and Cecilia Conyngham Francis
- Born: 14th November 1856
- Married: 14th July 1872
- Died 1st May 1891 aged 34 yrs 5 months 27 days.
- In loving memory of our beloved dad Thomas Adolphus Pereira born 8th March 1847
- Died 30th August 1891
And of Joseph Eustace Pereira
- Born 22nd March 1890
- Died 23 April 1919.
“Adopted son and loving brother.”
- Sacred in the loving memory of Lieut Martin Stephen Byrne ordnance department
- Died: at Simla 27th August 1889 aged 82 years 10 months.
- In loving memory of William Campbell the beloved son of William and Agnes Daly.
- Born: 12th October 1865
- Died 14th July 1889 aged 25 yes 5 months 5 days.
Terrace 21
- Born: 24th December 1888
- Died: 24th April 1890.
- Sacred to the Memory of Demetrius Parity C.I.F assistant private secretary to H.E. the Viceroy son of Emanuel Panioty Greek gentlemen of Calcutta
- Born: in Calcutta October 1831
- Died: 17 July 1895.
- In loving memory of little Frederic Joseph the infant son of Charles and Maria Martin
- Born: at Lucknow 30th October 1884
- Died at Simla 13th May 1895.
Terrace 22
- Born: 7th December 1887
- Died: 16oct 1888.
- In the loving memory of Lottie the beloved wife of Surgeon LT. Col. J. M. Namara and daughter of the late John Shiel ESQ Kilbegnet house CO. Roscommon who
- Died: at Simla on the 14th of May 1893.
“Rest in Peace”.
- In loving memory of Rose Byrne
- Born June 12th 1822.
- Died: at Simla July 3rd, 1895.
“She lived and died loving and beloved R.I.P”
- In loving memory of R Hubert. (Dates not Given)
In the loving memory of Mary the infant child of John and Katie. O’ Reilly
- Died: 23 April 1892.
“Thy will be done.”
Terrace 23
- In loving memory of Thorold infant son of Charles and Alice Wilkinson
- Born: July 10th, 1887.
- Died: June 29th, 1888.
- Sacred to the Memory of Annie the dearly loved wife of S.G. Wood who departed this life on the
- Died: 10th April 1898.
“Who shall find a valiant woman”.
Terrace 24
- In loving memory of Jorge Hamilton.
- Died: 2nd March 1900. Aged 32 years. 6 months.
- Sacred to the Memory of Jorge T. Thompson of Cape town who
- Died: at Simla on the 16th September 1899. Aged 32. Years.
“Erected by his loving wife”.
- Lucy Ceorcina C.F. Coleridge
- Died at Simla 12th DEC. 1901. Aged 31 years.
- Sacred to the Memory of Kenneth Murray who died at Simla September 20th 1901. Aged 70 years.
Mary Nora Helen the beloved wife of W.E.K. Sanderson born at Calcutta 4th October 1870. Died at Simla 10 June 1899. “Thy will be done.
In the loving Memory of Edward France Gonsalves died September 15th 1922. Aged 56years. 6 month.
In loving Memory of Evy the beloved wife of W.B. Cornge and only daughter of O.A. Valy died 13 may 1901. We have loved and lost .
In loving Memory of Captain A.D. M In tyre. Asst. Sery. To the R.M.O.H.M. forces in India who died at Simla on 27th Nov. 1904 aged 47 years. “Thy will be done”
In loving Memory of Margaret Ellenor Carroll. Died 3rd Jan. 1905 and her daughter Claire Elliott Kirby Taylor died 23rd may 1927. May thy rest in piece.
Terrace 25
- In Sacred Memory of my loved infant
- Died: February 18th, 1907. Aged 11 days.
“And Jesus said suffered little children.”
Left Hand-side
Terrace 01
- Loving Memory of our Mother Baidcet Delance
- Died: 15th June 1804
“God shell wipe away all the tears”
Daughter of the Above and Beloved wife of Charles John Murray
- Died: 21st AUGUST 1912 AGE 40 YEARS.
Sleep on beloved sleep and taken thy rost lay down thy head open thy saviors breast we loved thee well but Jesus loves thee best
- In loving memory of Constance CLARBICE WIFE OF J. Sidcreaves Macdonell.
In love & care could death prevent thy days would not so soon be spent. Life was desired, but God did see eternal life was best for thee.
In loving memory of Arthur Dawkins Appleby
- Born: on 2nd September.1855
- Died: on 24th July 1904.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth shall they rest from their labours for their works do follow them.
- Sacred to the memory of Garrett Meade who departed this life on the
- Died: 2nd August 1804 Age of 35 years.
- Erected in memory of Richard Angelo by A Sorrowing brother
Loving memory of William Ernest (Willie) youngest son of Mr. &Mrs. J.H Quilter who
- Died: at Simla. On the 24th October 1904 age 19 years 10 months
- In loving memory of our Darling little MAY daughter of Thomas and Carrie Quilter who
- Died: at sea on the 10th of nov. 1909. Aged 4years and 7 months.
Grntle Juseus meek mild look upon a little child pity my “simplicity suffer me to come to thee.”
- In loving memory of Frank son of Nature and Ella Cartland
- Died: Sept. 1st 1904 age 14 Years.
- Sacred Ane loving Memory of Margaret the dearly loved wife of John Howlett Quilter who
- Died: at Shimla on the 16th May 1920 Aged 76 Year 4 months 10 day
- Sacred to the memory of Esther Lilian Robert son
- Died: 11th Sept. 1904.
- Gussie Vongold Stein
- Died: on 24th November 1905 aged 18 years.
“Not lost but cone before.”
Terrace 02
- Born: at London Nov. 1840
- Died: at Simla April 15th 1906
Also of Frances Eleanor his wife who - Died: at Kasauli August 30th, 1926, aged 79 years.
“Blessed are the pure in heart”.
- In loving memory of our mother Maria Jane Peachey who
- Died: on 4th May 1906 aged 66 years.
“Not dead but sleep ETH”
- Sacred to the memory of Iles Matthews C.B. Colonel, Army Veterinary staff.
- Died 25th May 1906 aged 53.
Erected by his widow and brother officers
“Now Lord what is my hope. Truly my hope is even in thee”.
- Sacred the memory of Eleanor Mary the beloved wife of William Sinclair Marris, I.C.S.
- Born: October 28th 1880
- Died: June 12 1906 aged 25 years.
“Greater love hath no man then this Yes to the vary End”.
Terrace 03
- In the loving Memory of Bee’s husband Oswald John Browne Accountant. P.W.D
- Born: 14th October 1870
- Died: 28th August 1907.
“To know him was to love him.”
“Death is swallowed in victory.”
- Sacred to the memory of Commissary and Honorary Cartian Menry John Marcoolyn chief clerk
Quarter Master General’s Division Head Quarters. Who
- Died: at Simla on the 5th November 1907. Aged 54 year 7 months.
This monument is erected by the officers and clerks. The Quarter Master General’s division. Army head Quarters. As a mark of their respect and esteem.
- In loving memory of Annie Florence wife of Charles Boyce M.D. of Maidstone Kent.
- Born: 20th November 1854.
- Died: 3rd January 1908.
- In loving Memory of Dorothea wife of H.B Prussia who
- Died: at Simla on the 11th January 1908 aged 33 years.
“Thy will be Done”
Terrace 04
21. In loving memory of Louise D Sousa
- Born: 1866.
- Died April 1903
“Whose life from the 18 was devoted to the evangelization of the women of the Punjab and united province”.
- In loving memory of Charles Fortescue Heberlet
- Born: on 4th April 1856.
- Died: 10th 1903.
“Thy will be done”.
- Donald Patterson aged 14 days.
Sacred to the Memory of Henry Errington Pakton who
- Died: on the 14th of October 1903. Aged 68 years.
“Father in thy gracious keeping leave we now thy servant sleeping”.
Erected by his sorrowing widow & children.
Also in celebrating Memory of his brother Gerald Errington Pakton GER, M.B.E
- Born: 10 August 1878.
- Died: 27th June 1940.
” Asleep in Jesus: peaceful rest. Whose waking is supremely blest. No fear no woe shall dim that hour that man if eats the savior power”
- In loving memory of George Edwin O’ Gorman who elected his rest on the 3rd September 1909.
In loving memory of our dear father John Smith late Taj Gardens Acra.
- Born: at Morley in York Shire. Sept. 12th, 1829.
- Died: at Simla Sept. 28th, 1909.
“This stone is erected in loving remembrance by his children and grandchildren’.
- Sacred to the Memory of Jam’s Johnson who departed this life on the 21st May 1908. Aged 54 years, 4months and 24 days.
“Requiescat in Peace’.
- In the loving memory of Blanche Winifred, West.
- Born 2nd April 1874.
- Died 5th August 1908.
“Thy will be done”. RIP.
- In loving memory of Bridget the dearly beloved wife of Sergeant Major F. Wheeler Simla Volunteer Rifles. Who
- Died: on the 7th of September 1908. Aged 39 years and 4months.
” Not lost but gone before”.
“Thy will be done” RIP.
Terrace 05
- In loving memory of Aleyn Stokes.
- Born: Oct. 4th 1868.
- Died: May 12th 1869.
“A child whom every eye that looked on loved.
And his Mother Mary wife of Whitley Stokes.
- Born 12th January 1842.
- Died 30th June 1879.32.
- In loving memory of Ketie & An infant son the children of Edward Clive & Annie Bayley.
1869.33. In loving Memory of Donald Fergus. The dearly loved son of Major and Mrs. Moor head who entered into rest on the 2nd of April 1903.
On that happy. Easter morning all the Craves their dead restored father, Mother, sister, brother. “Meet once more.” -
In loving memory of Grace Mary Moor Head who
- Died: at Simla on the 16th May 1873. Aged 7 months 10 days.
“He takes but what he gave”.
- Sacred to the Memory of Serjima Jor Fred Bowden. A 22 R.A. Mountain Battery who died at Jutogh on the 12th July 1869. From an Account Met with on duty.
Sacred to the Memory of Edward Mack.
- Died: on the 20th of May 1872. Aged 25 years and 5 months.
“Requiescat in pace”.
- The infant son of Mr. And Mrs. F.T. Oconnor
- Died 4th August 1866.
“Here lie the Remains of Edward”.
- In the loving memory of Margaret Ethel Budd. Daughter of Thomas AN Margaret Manderson.
- Born: 27 DEC. 1867.
- Died: 27th June 1868.
- In memory of Major General John Buteer E.L.C. B.T. who
- Died: at Simla, 30th April 1872. Aged. 68 years.
- In Mamoryam Lonel Keith Younger C.B DCE Advocate General of the army who died at Simla on the 18th may 1862. “Thanks be to God which give th us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
In loving of Edwcnd Richard Nircell.
Lieut 2nd Batt Mireg.
Who died at Simla on the 27th of may 1871.
From in Juries Received By Mall from his Horse. Aged 29 years & 7 months erected by his brother officers. -
Sacred to the Memory of Oliver Elkingson.
Born 18 September 1874. Died 5th July 1875. -
In loving Memory of Talbot Arnold. Born 13th January 1835. Died 29th August 1888. The beloved child of Mr. &Mrs. C.A Andrews.
Sacred to the Memory of Katharine Charlotte twin daughters of George & Charlotte Ricketts died June 28th 1868. Aged 2 years and 8 months.
Sacred in the memory of Elsie Aged 3 years Simla Sept. 4th 1871. The youngest child of the Gate Rev. Charles Toms Saint and of Hannan his wife.
Terrace 06
- Sacred to the Memory of Mary Blanche the Infant daughter of Colonel & Mrs. CEO Bouchier R.A. who
- Died: 13th July 1862. Aged 11 Months.
“Of such is the kingdom of heaven”.
- In loving memory of James Moor Head who
- Passed: On 9th April 1929.
“Bound together by the Unseen child if thy love.”
- To the beloved memory of Phoebe Thompson Slater wife of the REV: S: Slater, who entered into the rest of God May 31st ,1864. Aged 38 years.
In Memory of Eliza Infant daughter of James Clendennen and Mary Murpn and granddaughter of above
- Born: Nov 30th and
- Died: December 1863.
- Sacred to the Memory of FAHNY the beloved wife of C.G. BRADBURY. Who
- Died at Simla on the 14 September 1872 aged 23 years and 11 months.
- To beloved wife of Colonel JAMES BRIND. R.H.A. who departed this life near Muttiana on the 9th day of June 1862.
“To me to live is Christ and to die is gain”.
- In loving memory of L.COLONEL MURRAY MACKENZIE Bengal horse artillery.
- Died: 5th October 1857 from the effect of wounds received at Delhi aged 44 years.
- In memory of Agnes, the infant daughter of Major & Mrs. T.H. Stbley
- Born 25th Sept. 1858.
- Died 5 August 1850.
“Of such is the kingdom of God’.
- In memory of Michael Burdett. The beloved child of LT. Colin M. Dawes. And Louisa his wife
- Born: 6th Sept. 1857.
- Died: 17th October 1858.
Terrace 07
- Born: 25 July
- Died: 2 August 1874.
- In loving memory of Captain R.P. BLAKE. 4th Punjab cavalry
- Died: 6th July 1875.
Deeply regretted by his brother officers. Restored by his fond parents 1st September 1883.
- In memory of EDWARD HARRISON Bengal civil service who
- Died: at Simla June 5th, 1875 aged 34.
“Weep not he has not died. But sleepeth”.
- 59. In loving memory of WILLIAM COTTON who
- Died at Simla June 17 1878 aged 35 years from his horse.
Terrace 08
- Sacred to the Memory of ROBERT KIRKWOOD SUTHERLAND. Who
- Died: at Simla 29th August 1877 aged years, 47.1.29.
“Lamented and much regretted is thy and by all who knew thy worth”.
- In the memory of GEORGINA ALICIA. The dearly loved daughter of OR.MR.WM NASSAN HOLMES. 60th rifles who
- Died at Simla on 6th April 1878 aged 13 years 5 months.
“Forever with the Lord”.
- In the loving memory of ARTHUR ERNEST FRENCH.
- Born 23rd May 1878
- Died 21st August 1878.
“For of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
- Sacred to the Memory of LOUISA wife of GEORGE CLOWSLEY
- Died: 11th June 1878. Aged 51 years.
“Gone but not lost”.
Terrace 09
- Sacred to the Memory of Ellen Julia. Wife of Major General G.R. Greaves. C.B Adjutant General in India
- Died: at Simla on the 2nd August 1880. Aged 44 years.
- Our Charley 6th Jan. ,1877.
- Died 17th July 1874.
“Safe in the Arms of Jesus”.
- In the loving memory of two dear children of William and Maria Louisa Hill. Emily Rose
- Born: August 31st 1869.
- Died: Sept. 7th 1878.
Benwell Althans
- Born: March 6th 1877.
- Died: Sept. 21st 1878.
- Sacred yo the memory of Alice Maud infant daughter of Lord and Lady Napier of Magdala.
- Born 28th DEC. 1874
- Died 11 July 1875
- In memory of Winnie the beloved child of J.& E. PHELPS.
- Born: 9th October 1872
- Died 2and July 1878.
Terrace 10
- Born: December 11th, 1834.
- Died: October 9th, 1873.
- In loving memory of Mary Caroline Sarah Watson. May daughter of Richard Watson
- Died 25th March 1930.
“Blessed are the Pure in heart.
- Sacred to the Memory of Worshipful Brother Richard Watson. P.A.G Dir of GEr England – P.O.D.G.M : Punjab for 54 years A member of Lodge Himalayan BrotherHood 459. E. C.
- Died 18th March 1937. In his 87th years.
“This stone is erected affectionate remembrance by his brother Masons at Simla.
“Come unto me ye weary and I will give you rest.
Terrace 11
- Sacred in the memory of Kathleen Harrietie the dearly loved infant daughter of Charles & Annie Weir
- Born: Nov. 20th, 1887.
- Died: May 31st, 1888.
- In loving memory of Aubrey Douglas only and dearly beloved child of Henry and Louis Craigie Halkett.
Malcolm Harry Gahan.
Our Darling Daughter Evelyn Manley.
- Born: 21st Sept. 1883.
- Died: 2nd August 1884.
- Sacred in the memory of Louise Isabel
- Born on 8th September 1883.
- Died: 13th September 1883.
Also, Charles Trontlr Stuart
- Born 2d February 1894.
- Died: 13th May 1884.
“The dearly loved children of Mr. and Mrs. I.L. Milne”
- In loving memory of the loved children of William and Hannah Reed. Paul
- Born 11th September 1883.
- Fell Asleep: 18th October 1884.
Of such is the kingdom of heaven.
- Born: 18th June 1886.
- Fell Asleep: 4th October 1886.
“She spoke that word the last she spoken on Earth. In whispering tones that word of wonders Worth.”
- In loving memory of Charles Finnimore infant son of Robert and A.D.A Buckley
- Born: January 29th (year not given)
- Died: August 27th, 1885.
- Loving me Mary of Charles Vivian Third son of William and Ella Baldwin.
- Died 13th April 1886. Aged 2 years. 10 months age 12 days.
Terrace 12
Terrace 13
- The precious wife of F.J. Graham -hatchell.
- Died: at Simla on the 9th July 1891
“the Lord giveth and the Lord taken away
Terrace 14
- In loving memory of Herbert Nolan infant son of Hannah and William Galloway ordinance department
- Born 9th September
- Died 7 November 1890.
Terrace 15
- Born at Isnaskca, co Fermanagh, Ireland. On the 6th July 1861
- Died at Simla on the 11th of February 1893.
Terrace 16
- Born 2nd May 1882
- Died 30th April 1894.
- In loving memory of James Braddock
- Born January 11th, 1833
- Died January 31st, 1894.
“The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken”.
- Relict of the late Rev. Thomas Edward who
- Died: 31st October 1908.
Terrace 17
- Born: 3rd DEC. 1833. Died 3rd Nov. 1894.
Terrace 18
- Born: 20th February 1837.
- Died: 13th September 1895.
Also, his son Frank Purvis Ramsey de vine
- Born: 7th September 1879.
- Died: 11th September 1895.
“A loving and much-loved husband and son”.
- In loving memory of Frederick Jervis the Darling and affectionate son of Fred and Marie Pruce
- Born: 5th February 1888.
- Died: 26th June 1895.
“Thy will be done.”
- In loving memory of Evelyn Rachel daughter of Major R. Gartside Tipniss Bengal Cavalry.
- Born: Sept. 21st, 1883.
- Died: 22nd July 1899.
Terrace 19
- Born: Jan 1892
- Died: oct 1895.
92.ln the loving memory of Emily Florence the only daughter of James and Emma Craddock
- Born: November 14, 1866
- Died: June 6th 1896
- In the loving memory of Alexander Chishlove who
- Died at Shimla 8th July 1896.
- In the loving memory of captain James Lenox
- Born 6th November 1852
- Died 24 July 1910
- Sacred to the memory of Pauline Emma the dearly loved wife of Henry Vost. Who
- Died: at Shimla, on October 1896 in her thirtieth year.
- In the loving memory of Neville Woods son of Dr. and Mrs C.R. woods.
- Born: March 20th 1897
- Died: May 1st, 1897.
Terrace 20
- In the loving memory of Louise Henry Michele Distt. Engines I.M.R.
- Born: September 1880.
- Fell Asleep: 16th September. 1971.
- In loving memory of Zoe Hazel the beloved infant daughter of Martin and Minnie Marty rose
- Died July 25th 1896 aged 1 year and 23 days.
- In Sacred Memory of Clemence Violet the beloved daughter of Frederick and Josephine Phillips
- Born: 17th November 1885
- Fell asleep: 2nd February 1898.
- Sacred to the Memory of L.H.Y. The dearly loved wife of Huchcarbery who
- Died: on the 25 Sept 1897 aged 22 yes and 10 months.
- A.l.J.O.meara
- Born: April 30th 1834
- Died: April 26th 1899 .
- In the loving memory of Susan MaCperson
- Born: 3rd March 1860
- Died: 13th March 1899.
- In the loving memory of William Herbert Henry Smith.
- Born: 1st July 1871
- Died June 13th 1897
- In The loving memory of Frank Motryson who entered into the rest on the 18th of October 1898.
- In the memory of Sister Lucy Haward who
- Died at Shimla 14th July 1898.
Terrace 21
- Died at Simla September 22 1899 aged 40 years.
- Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Richard Alpert
- Born 17th January 1863
- Died 21st October 1899.
- Sacred to the memory of Charles D’costa who
- Died: at Simla on the 14th December 1899 aged 72 yes.
- In loving memory of Catherine Kathlina Swynnerton
- Born 13th June 1896
- Died 5th August 1897.
- In loving memory of Marie the beloved wife of A.H. Taylor finance dept.
- Born: 16th October 1863
- Died: 23rd April 1906.
Terrace 22
- Died on 11th May 1902 in her 29th year.
- Haidee Maude the devoted wife of A. Brebeton
- Born 20th February 1862
- Died 14th Sept 1902.
- In memory of Philadelphia, Mary Grace wife of Colin F.G.S. Chrtis C.M.G. LATE Inniskilling dragoons daughter of the late col. Wm. Stuart Menteith H. E.I.G.S. and Granddaughter of the Late Sir Chas Granville Stuart Menteath Bart. Of Close burn, Dumfries, N.B who
- Died: at Simla on the 13th Oct. 1901. Aged 62. Years.
Lower Portion of the Cemetery
1 : Frank Stevenson Digby Died 1890.
2 : Julia Digby Died Jul 1890.
3 : Havert Died 1871.
4 : William John Havert, of Army HQ Died 27 Dec 1871
5 : Thomas 1867
6 : Charles Whiteman Thomas, died 28 June 1867 only son of Honoratus and Sophia Thomas
7 : Nissant Died 1885.
8 : Ella Nissant Born 2 Jan 1857. Died 21 Dec 1885
9 : Emma Prussia, wife of George, Died 7 Nov 1887 aged 45.
11 : George Robert Barker, Colonel RA Born 9 Feb 1815. Died 27 Jul 1861.
12 : Alexander Lawrence Bart (this is all that can be read on gravestone, but I have looked him up on Ancestry and see from Nat Probate Calendar he was Sir Alexander Hutchinson Lawrence late of Simla, Baronet. Died 27 Aug 1864 at Simla.
13 : Elizabeth w/o H Carey Richards. Died in 1897.
14 : Lewis Richards Born 19 Dec 1839 Sherwill Devon. Died 10 Jan 1897.
15 : William Wilson, Hon Major & Deputy Commissary Died 12 June 1885 age 56 and 8 months.
16 : Charles John French Born 14 May 1814. Died 17 Mar 1885.
18 : Edward Newbery Died June 1884, youngest son of the late Edward , Madras Civil Service and PA to the Inspector General (FIBIS shows him listed on Times of India as Major Edward Newbery, Punjab Police).
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