We are sure that you would not like to miss a chance to feel as if you are walking on the moon. How about driving over the highest motor-able Pass in the world? Yes, we are talking about one of the most beautiful places on this planet, Nubra Valley. If you are really interested then a few hidden valleys of the Indian Western Himalayas are waiting for you. It is the place where you find all the above and of course, Nubra Valley in Ladakh is one of them.

Most Gratifying Drive from Leh to Nubra Valley

Drive to Leh, the capital town of Ladakh, from Manali, and then drive over the Khardung La – the highest motorable road in the world. This is at an elevation of 5650 meters. Nubra is one of the most beautiful Valleys in Ladakh. It lies in the foothills of Siachen Glacier – the highest battlefield in the world. River Nubra flows through the valley and so is the name of this moonlike land. It remains cut off from the rest of the world for nearly six to seven months of the year. When it opens up, it welcomes everyone with its widely opened arms. Nubra Valley falls on the age-old Silk Route to China. The beauty of Nature remains scattered in the valley and one gets no chance to skip it.

Nubra Valley in Ladakh

Mongolian Camels in Nubra Valley

Every moment of your visit you would like to collect in your camera and in your thoughts. It cannot be collected in rhyme or in prose. It perhaps can also not be assembled on canvas. If there is any way to admire nature it is just a personal visit to this place. From Khardung La when you begin to descend to the Nubra it, for a few kilometres, still remains hidden till you start driving along the right bank of river Shyok. This river joins river Nubra at Village Dishkit and further on joins the mighty Indus. The roaring waters of both rivers at the confluence spread across and appear like a delta. The land here forms white sand dunes near the village called Hunder. This village is the only place in India where double-humped Mongolian Camel is found. Enjoy Camel Safari on the white sand.

Mongolian Camel in Nubra Valley

The Legend of Nubra Valley

Nubra is a tourist’s paradise. From the Silk Route to Monasteries, the villages in Nubra provide multifaceted attractions. The Indian government has recently announced its decision to allow trekking and mountaineering in Siachen. Traveling along river Nubra, one would be fascinated by the bikers from all over the world. They can be seen pedaling with their head gears on, like fast-moving ants. There are a large number of Monasteries in the valley with the Gompa in village Dishkit, undoubtedly the oldest, largest, and the most magnificent of all in this region. The history, myth, and legend of Diskit Gompa make it more interesting. There are a number of Mongolian and Tibetan manuscripts in it. As per the legend once a Mongol demon stayed here; even after his slaying, his body kept returning, and even today the demon’s furrowed head and hand lie in the monastery.

Dishkit Monastery in Nubra Valley

Artists in Nubra Valley

Nubra’s only link to the outside world is through the Khardung La pass. From Sasoma, the northernmost village in the Nubra to the Karakoram Pass, there is a track even today, which was used by the traders in the old days. Today, it would take anywhere between 4 to 7 days if one has to trek from Sasoma to the Karakoram Pass. If your creative soul is passionate about photography or painting, and looking forward to capturing some awesome landscapes in the Himalayas then Nubra Valley is the right place for you.


There are a number of Camps and resorts with modern facilities. The best one is Lahrimo North which offers accommodation in the form of tents and huts. Apart from that there are a number of homestays and guest houses all over the valley.

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